Patient First Community News

Community Relations News


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The Bowie Baysox and the Binghamton Rumble Ponies weren't the only forces squaring off at Prince George's Stadium on Saturday, June 8th. The Galactic Empire battled against the Rebel Alliance, as did the First Order and the Resistance, as the Bowie Baysox hosted its annual Star Wars Night.

As part of our partnership with the Orioles' AA affiliate, our Patient First table was set up right outside our sponsored First Aid station during this, one of the team's most well-attended games of the year.

Professional cosplayers were on hand for photos with the fans, many of whom came in costumes of their own. In addition, there were Star Wars themed events in between innings featuring music, lightsaber duels, and other bits of entertainment. The night was capped off with a rousing display of fireworks, set to the orchestrations of the Star Wars saga's films.

As always, our table was well-received, with scores of former patients coming by, telling us how much they appreciate what we do for them every day of the year.

This is always one of the most fun of our outings at the Baysox stadium, and we certainly look forward to many more!

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