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India Day 2024

On Saturday, August 10th, the campus of Harrisburg Area Community College was alive with the sights, sounds, and enticing smells that made up the annual India Day celebration! Organized by the Asian Indian Americans of Central Pennsylvania, this rich celebration of culture and heritage draws several thousand people from across the region. For a third year, Patient First has been happy to participate in this event!

After a serious storm blew through on Friday, which saw a tornado touch down in the Harrisburg area, there were concerns over the possibility of having the event at all this year. Fortunately, as the clouds passed through overnight, some absolutely gorgeous weather greeted us in the morning and lasted throughout the day.

The day kicked off with a parade showcasing the multitude of organizations within the local Indian community of central Pennsylvania. It continued with a wide variety of dancing, traditional dress parades, and music featured on the main stage, as well as a host of vendors and amazing food choices.

As always, our Patient First table was a very popular spot for people to come and visit. Most of the people we spoke with had been patients at either our Mechanicsburg or Colonial Park centers, but a few had traveled up from as far south as Glen Burnie and Bowie. Our yo-yo;s were a huge hit with the kids, while the magnetic clips seemed to be the big item among the adults.

This is one of the biggest cultural events that we attend each year in central PA, and this year did not disappoint. We're already looking forward to returning!

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