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MD State Fair 2024

As summer draws to a close, the tradition of the Maryland State Fair returned to the Timonium Fairgrounds, just a mile and a half from our Towson center. For the third year in a row, Patient First has been a proud sponsor of this end-of-summer event, with our table greeting fairgoers as soon as they passed through the gates! And talk about visibility-- on Saturday, attendance was over 70 thousand, while Sunday saw even more-- nearly 73 thousand people passing through the gates! Over the entire course of the fair, our name and branding was seen by a record breaking 589,380 people!

This year, in addition to our branding all over the fair banners, promotional materials, and hand washing stations, we were featured among the proud sponsors of the annual pig races! Our banner was hung Daytona-style along the side of the track, as four piglets sprinted the length of the oval four times a day for a crowd of about 150 people each day of the fair. The races are always a huge hit with families, and we were happy to be a part of it!

Another first in our history at the fair came in the form of our staff offering free blood pressure checks- a service that was quite popular until crowd and ride noise made it difficult to provide accurate readings. 

Among the most popular items at our table were the hand sanitizer (perfect for cleaning up after petting the horses and livestock) and band-aids (essential after the inevitable trip and fall of kids on the asphalt of the midway). While we spoke to people from as far away as Richmond and New Jersey, so many had been patients at Towson, Owings Mills, Bayview and Perry Hall centers. Nearly every center in the Maryland region was represented by folks who came by to thank our staff for the aid they provided in their time of need.

Whereas last year, our staff roasted as soon as we stepped out from under our tent, this year the weather could not have been better- mild temperatures that never exceeded 85 degrees, and absolutely no rain or humidity. 

This is always one of the highlights of the event season for this region, and this year did not disappoint! Everyone who came out to help staff this event had a great time, and we're all looking forward to more fun at the fair in 2025!


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