Patient First Community News

Community Relations News


See what Patient First is doing in the community.

On Wednesday, February 19th, Perry Hall Elementary, one of our partner schools, held its annual Kindness Night event. 

Created as an opportunity to gather at the school and take part in activities which promote kind and positive behavior, this year's event served a dual and poignant purpose. In addition to creating crafts that showcased cooperation, generosity, and selflessness, students also created heartfelt tributes to one of their beloved teachers, who passed away to cancer earlier in the year.

For a small, two hour school event, the evening was a huge hit! Over 150 people attended, sharing pizza, creating kindness cards, meeting Ravens mascot Poe, and generally having fun with one another. Patient First was the only community partner invited to attend the evening, and received a nice shoutout from the principal during her opening announcements. Everyone we spoke with had brought their families to our Perry Hall center, which is just over a mile down the road from the school, and all had wonderful things to say about the level of care they'd received. The PTA was very grateful for our annual donation, which helped fund events like this one, and future ones for the remainder of the year.

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