Patient First Community News

Community Relations News


See what Patient First is doing in the community.


Thank you!

As the weather and our community event schedule begins to heat up, Patient First would like to recognize and thank all our employees who helped with events over the past year. We truly value your contributions and your time in making our community events the successes that they are. 

It takes special people to give of themselves to help others, and each and every one of you who has given up your time to participate at the hundreds of festivals, family health nights, fun runs, and other events are very special to us. Thank you for your enthusiasm, your positive energy, and for being such amazing ambassadors for Patient First!

Take a look at this video we've assembled showcasing our amazing staffers! (Note: We have many more staff who support our events who may not appear in this video montage, but rest assured each and every representative from our centers is greatly appreciated!)

Showing 1 Comment

laura forbes 11 months ago

Great video. It was fun to do my time at Germantown. I try to get in on events as my schedule permits. I'll be doing Towson Town festival on May 5th.

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