Patient First Community News

Community Relations News


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We enjoyed returning to Bethlehem's SteelStacks again on December 30 to participate in PEEPsFest 2024. This has become one of our favorite events each year, and we were delighted to participate again as the final event of our 2024 calendar year. Although this is a two-day event and we are only able to participate for a single day,, we were not disappointed. We had a non-stop churn of visitors all day which kept us busy and able to meet and talk with many people. Some of the folks we spoke with were new to Patient First, and others have been long-time users of our neighborhood medical centers. Like last year, the event was a sell-out for both days, and it was great fun for all. Unlike 2023 when we had inclement weather on event day, this year Mother Nature cooperated and gave us a great day!

Event organizers had us stationed in a perfect indoor location which gave us the opportunity to interact with many people from all over the Lehigh Valley, and beyond. In fact, we had a very lively and enjoyable conversation with some Lehigh Valley natives who now live in Colorado, but returned for a family visit during the holidays and included PEEPsFest on their holiday visit itinerary. They joined the scores of people who stopped by to give our medical staff from our three Lehigh Valley locations - Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton -- kudos for the great patient care services they received throughout the year. We also heard from others from out of the area who told us about the great visits they have had at our locations in Central Pennsylvania, South Jersey and Maryland.

PEEPSFest is undoubtedly one of the "go-to" holiday events in the Lehigh Valley each year as evident by their continual sold-out status. The event featured lots of indoor and outdoor family-friendly activities-- all culminating with the drop of the giant PEEPs chick at the end of the event to help ring in the new year. The overall host/sponsor of this event is Just Bord, a candy manufacturer headquartered in the Lehigh Valley and manufacturer of PEEPs.

We are already counting the days until we can return in December 2025 to be part of this fun event. Hope to see you there- but remember to secure your tickets early as it will likely be a sell out once again!

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