Clinton, MD - Temporarily CLOSED
Patients who enter a cell phone number on the Sign-In Kiosk are texted a visit number and link to that center’s Patient First website page. This feature allows patients to follow where they are in the visit process relative to other patients.
For example, if your visit number is 120, the visit number of the patient currently being registered is 115 and the visit number of the last patient triaged was 110, there are 5 patients ahead of you to be registered and 10 patients ahead of you to be triaged.
Be sure you are viewing the updated numbers by clicking the refresh icon (“⟳”) in your browser window.
If you elected to wait in your car, please make every effort to remain in the Patient First parking lot and answer your phone when called.
This tracker is intended to provide information about when you will be registered and when you will be triaged. Once you are triaged, the tracker numbers are no longer relevant.