Take a break from technology with our digital detox tips!
While you may think a quick scroll through your feed before bed or during your lunch break is a great distraction, it can have a negative impact on your mental health. Social media often provides only positive snapshots of our friends’ lives, and we may compare ourselves to the posts we’re seeing, even unintentionally. It can be refreshing to take a much-needed mental break!
Check out these helpful tips on taking a break from technology:
You may feel less tempted to check your device if you don’t have direct access to it – out of sight, out of mind! If you plan to do a digital detox, gather all your electronics and “hide” them from yourself. Place them on a shelf in your closet, in a kitchen cabinet, or anywhere you don’t stumble across regularly. This can greatly reduce your temptation to check your timeline!
Maybe you’re not trying to completely give up technology cold turkey. That’s okay too! Even limiting your time on social media and other electronics can greatly improve your mental health. Set aside a time in your day for social media. It could be half an hour in the morning or evening, but don’t go over your time limit! Set a timer to help you remember to put your technology away and focus on something more fulfilling.
Let others in your life know that you plan on taking a technology break. If they still need a way to contact you, tell them you only plan on answering phone calls, or only answering messages at a certain time. This can help reduce the number of calls, texts, or funny memes you receive and help prevent any temptation!
Sometimes checking our timeline is the first and last thing we do in our day. Blue light emitted from electronics can hinder sleep quality by suppressing the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for making us sleepy. Keep your phone in another room so that you’re not tempted to check it when you go to bed. This goes for your television too! You can use airplane mode or set your phone to no-disturb mode during the night to prevent notifications from waking you up.
So, go for it! Put away those phones, computers, smart watches, and tablets – even if it’s just for a small break!
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