Spring has sprung, and so have your allergies! Check out our tips for reducing spring allergens!
Do you suffer from springtime allergies? Don’t worry, you are not the only one dreading sneezing and sniffling. Here are some helpful tips and information on allergies and how to prevent them.
An allergic reaction occurs when your body comes into contact with an allergen. Your body identifies this substance as harmful, even when it is not. Then, when you come into contact with that allergen again, it will react to it, causing allergy symptoms. Springtime allergies are most often due to tree pollen and in more humid climates, outdoor mold. Grass pollen is a big cause of summer allergies and weed pollen causes fall allergies.
Allergy symptoms vary from person to person and depend on the particular allergy. Some common symptoms include itchy, watery eyes; sneezing; runny nose; and congestion. If your seasonal allergies are generally mild, nasal sprays and oral antihistamines can help manage the symptoms. If over-the-counter treatments do not reduce your symptoms, talk with a physician about a prescription or other treatment.
What steps can be taken to reduce allergy symptoms?
We hope these tips help make your spring the best it can be. Patient First treats many illnesses and injuries at our urgent care centers including allergies. You can visit any Patient First center from 8am to 8pm, any day of the week – no appointment is needed.
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