Encourage your little one to live a happier and healthier life for their New Year's Resolution!
Is your little one interested in setting a New Year’s resolution? Encourage them to live a healthier, happier life by making simple changes to their daily routines. Need help? Check out these easy New Year’s resolutions you and your little one can take on together:
Children have a wide variety of interests. Maybe your child has been asking to take music lessons or join a new sports team. Maybe they just want to learn how to cook or how to tie their shoes. Encourage your child to pick a skill or something they want to learn and help them to work toward their goal.
Is your little one trying to learn the alphabet? Or maybe those multiplication tables? Encourage your little one to set their New Year’s resolution to raise their grades or to work harder in school. Teach them that knowledge is power and challenge them to learn one new thing every day, no matter how big or small.
Help your little one lead a healthier lifestyle by cutting out junk food. Regularly eating unhealthy food can lead to childhood obesity. Instead, make a family effort to eat healthier at every meal. Involve your child in cooking meals, teaching them about nutrition and the benefits of eating healthy. This will help you and your children feel better, as well as set them on the right track for further in life.
Adults aren’t the only ones who need exercise. Encourage your child to take on a new sport or to better master their favorite sport or skill. Not only will they feel a sense of accomplishment when they work hard, but they will also keep happy and fit at the same time!
Encourage your little one to acclimate to a more “green” lifestyle. There are many ways you can do this and the whole family can participate. Save energy by turning off and unplugging any appliance or toy that isn’tt in use, or are used infrequently. Simply turning off the water while brushing your teeth saves gallons of water every year. Do you live close to your child’s school? You can also encourage living “green” by walking with your child to school every day, rather than driving or sending him or her on the bus.
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