While cleaning a house top to bottom may not top your bucket list, it is a wise ritual to reduce seasonal allergy sniffles and launch a bright, sunny, healthy spring. Use these tips to embrace spring cleaning with open arms.
Cleaning the house may not be at the top of your to-do list , however, it can help reduce seasonal allergies as the weather warms. Keeping your house clean and decluttered means fewer trapped allergens and easier breathing. It can also boost your mood! According to a UCLA study, physical clutter can cause stress and sensory overload.
Here are some ways to tackle clutter and manage spring cleaning tasks that can result in a healthier you.
Break down the task of cleaning your home into manageable chunks. Create a checklist for each room that outlines what needs to be cleaned, and how it should be cleaned.
Here is an example plan for a bathroom:
Remember to clean from the top down—if you polish the coffee table and shampoo the carpet, don’t ruin your hard work by dusting the ceiling fan last
Make it fun! Fire up the music and order takeout. Recruit family and friends who to help, and minimize breaks so you don’t lose momentum. And finally, keep your eye on the prize—picture the final product and imagine the satisfaction of a clean, organized, and allergy-free home.
Sustain your cleaning habits. Review checklists and determine what tasks can be added daily, weekly, and monthly. Introduce new habits such as rinsing dishes and placing them inside the dishwasher rather than leaving them in the sink. These small changes to your cleaning habits can help reduce the amount of time it takes to deep clean your home which leads to a healthier environment.
Use spring cleaning as a jumpstart to forming new healthy habits that will benefit your mind, body, and mood, year-round!
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